Reading, Writing, and Wild Dreams
Part One:
For me, my future reading and writing goals is to always get better at it, to read more books and to better my writing. I always say that there is never a time that you can't improve and better yourself, there will always be lessons to learn. For me to improve and further my education I feel like it would be very beneficial to read more, when I was younger I would read all the time, to the point where if I had a book I would read it every single waking minute I had until I finished. I'm even the type of person to re-read books that I have read before, until recently. Once I started at Ohio State, I have only been reading course assigned material, and even though there are some good books assigned, I wasn't reading for myself and I feel like this hurt my want to read books at home or in my personal time. So my goal would be make myself read over the time, for me and not for any other reason. I also want to not limit myself to the typical fiction book, but to expand into other genres. So therefore, I would be reading some poetry or even non-fiction, that would be an adequate way to expand my reading abilities and thought process. So with that said the two books that I want to read over the summer are:
1.) Animal Farm by George Orwell (1945)
For me, I have always understood the importance of reading the classics, and this is one of them that I have yet to read. I have kept myself up to the classics with reading two of Shakespeare's (Romeo & Juliet, and Merchant of Venice), To Kill A Mockingbird, and A Tale of Two Cities. I feel like there is not enough stress to read these books that made such a big impact on our society!

2.) The American Night: Volume Two by Jim Morrison
As I said before, I really want to be able to read and understand poetry, it was something that I always struggled with in high school and really want to improve on it. I feel like the best way to do this would be starting off with poetry that I'm interested in, and since I have a love for the Doors, Jim Morrison's poetry would be an awesome start. Coincidentally, I happened to buy this book out of curiously at Half Priced Books the other day, so it would be a perfect time to add this book to my summer reading!
Part Two:
My wildest dream is something that I've wanted to do ever since my dad passed away and ever since that I've decided to be a teacher. My dream is to start a foundation for kids who have lost a parent, in this place I would provide them with support and healthy ways to express their grief. In this place I would love to offer services that will pay for families to go places that will help them with their grief, for example me and my dad and his side of the family would go to the Outer Banks every year, so my foundation would pay for the trip for a family to go and remember their loved one in a happy time. I feel like the best thing that I can do with the horrible and sudden loss of my dad is to make it as positive as possible and help people who have gone through the same thing as I did. It really helps to know that you're not the only one going through it, and it always helped me to remember my dad in many of ways that reminded me of him, whether it be creatively or verbally. This helped my grieving process more than I could imagine. This would be accomplishing something for myself and something for other people.
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