Holding On Analysis
Part One
So far, in Holding On, my reading has been going great. I have enjoyed each and every profile. I love how each of these people have given a piece of themselves to our society. For me, that's one of the most interesting topics to learn about, how society is every changing. The strengths of this book are how they take each profile and make it individually special to each person that it's explaining even though its the same person writing them. For each and every person is unique in their own way. The weaknesses like we discussed in class are the bias' that the writers have for some of the people but in my eyes that really makes the people more real. They aren't just a profile in the book, they're connectable people that make an impact on people's lives. I have been pretty passive in my reading, for this book in particular I didn't want to over analyze each person but take in and think about what they have to offer as I keep reading. This is one of the only books that I have not actively read and I'm very happy with my decision.Part Two
The profile that I chose was Robert Shields, the message that stuck out to me about him was how you shouldn't let a detail control your whole life. He let the obsession he had stop him from living his life to the fullest. The point where I am at in my life right now makes this theme really important to me because I have a blank canvas still. I have a full life ahead of me with a lot of decisions to make. The organization of this piece really made sense to me to include Shields' fear of being forgotten, it included his own words from his diary. The words are important because he took all of his time to write them. As this profile might be about an odd man that kept an insanely detailed journal to most, I take so many lessons from him.
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